Thursday 19 July 2012

Reflections on Temporary Difficulties

I thought I would interrupt the series of My Hospital Story to reflect on some of the small difficulties I've encountered every day since having my surgery. None of these are particularly great - just an adjustment to what was usual pre-surgery.

As the surgery is now almost 6 weeks ago, some of these Temporary Difficulties have now become Everyday Life, although some have disappeared altogether, or will do soon, I hope!


I have always used a huge bath-sheet towel to dry myself with after a shower, but, post-surgery, I found there was no way I could fling one of those giants around myself, as it was just too heavy! So I've got into the routine of using 3 small hand-towels - one for my hair, one for my body and an extra one specially for my chest, as recommended by the nurse at the hospital.


It's quite difficult to dress when you can't open your arms very wide or raise them high enough to put on a top or t-shirt. Fortunately, I had bought a few button-up shirts and they have worked really well. It's only in the last few days that I've been able to put on a t-shirt over my head. Getting the t-shirt off again is another thing, of course!

On the last day in the hospital when all the dressings were removed (as I will share, eventually, in My Hospital Story), I had to put on a bra for the first time. I'd taken about 4 different ones to hospital with me, but the only one that was comfortable enough (and still is!) was the Shock Absorber sports bra, as the straps were wide and plain and it was a really good fit.


Getting into a comfortable position to sleep in the hospital is straightforward, as you have a bed that you can move into just about any position you like. Which is not the case back at home.

As I still have to sleep on my back, I've been using a square Continental-style pillow, a regular pillow plus a v-shaped orthopaedic pillow to get comfortable every night. This means I'm already half-way down the bed before I'm even horizontal! But it is very comfortable. The regular pillow supports my lower back and the v-shaped pillow keeps me in position during the night.


At first, even something as straightforward as just walking was really hard. I would go for a walk around the block with my Mum and my daughter and I would find it difficult to walk and talk at the same time. Even walking at about half my usual pace, this was not easy, and I would be really tired by the time we got home.

But walking is the best exercise to do during recovery and now, 6 weeks later, after walking every day, I have realised I'm walking more or less at my normal pace, and I can walk and talk at the same time with no problem.

It's quite interesting to discover just how far I've come in my recovery in those few weeks. I mean, I'm still taking it very easy and not doing much at all in terms of housework etc. and I still need my nap every afternoon, so I'm still quite a way from full recovery, but it is definitely a big step in the right direction!

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