Sunday 20 May 2012

Ten days to go!

With just ten days to go until my surgery, the practicalities are keeping me busy and taking my mind off the realities of the ordeal to come. I've made a long To-Do list and I'm working my way through it gradually.

I've sorted out accommodation at the hospital for my husband to stay the night before my surgery and made arrangements for my family to stay at our house to make sure my daughter gets to school every day and to ensure that her life stays as normal as possible.

At work, I've sorted out cover for my role and I'm preparing an extended hand-over to my deputy this week, which will be my last week at work for some time.

At home, I've sorted out paperwork like never before. I've also found many items, especially old clothes and baby stuff that my daughter has grown out of, to donate to Isabel Hospice this week.

It's a bit like preparing for an extended holiday in a way, in that I've bought new clothes (front-fastening, including undies & nightwear), small sized toiletries for my toilet bag, and am making sure that all bills are paid and arrangements made for when I'm away.

I'm also adding audio-books and relaxation music to my iTouch ready for use at the hospital and afterwards, when I'm relaxing.

This week I'm catching up with our friends and then trying to relax and not over-do things.

With all the news about the arrival of the Olympic torch last week and the upcoming Jubilee celebrations I was a bit miffed that I'm going to miss out on all the partying and fun, but relieved to see that the Olympic torch won't be going through our town until early July, so with luck and a fair wind, I'll be able to see it!

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